MQTT(Part - 2): How to create connection and how to write code in MQT?

MQTT(Part - 2): How to create connection and how to write code in MQT?



import json
import time
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

SUB_TOPIC = "/api/blaze"
PUB_TOPIC = "/api/minipc"

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):

def on_message(client, userdata, message):
    print("[ message ]", message.payload.decode())

def on_publish(client, userdata, result):  # create function for callback
    print("[ publish ] Data is Published")

mqtt_client = mqtt.Client("send_data123", clean_session=True)
mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect
mqtt_client.on_message = on_message
mqtt_client.connect(host='send.local', port=1883)

while True:
    cmd = int(input("\n1) Turn ON Light\n2)Turn OFF Light\n3)Exit\nEnter your option :"))
    if cmd == 1:
        mqtt_client.publish(PUB_TOPIC, "light_on")
    elif cmd == 2:
        mqtt_client.publish(PUB_TOPIC, "light_off")

Explain the


    • SUB_TOPIC represents the topic string for subscribing to MQTT messages.

    • In this specific case, the value of SUB_TOPIC is "/api/blaze". This topic represents the category or identifier under which you expect to receive messages.


    • PUB_TOPIC represents the topic string for publishing MQTT messages.

    • In the provided code, the value of PUB_TOPIC is "/api/minipc". This topic identifies the category or destination for your published messages.

  3. Parameters:

    • client: The MQTT client instance that triggered the callback.

    • userdata: Any user-defined data that was passed to the MQTT client.

    • flags: A dictionary of flags indicating the status of the connection.

    • rc: The resulting code indicates the connection status.

    • message: An MQTTMessage object that contains information about the received message.

    • result: A result code indicating the status of the publish operation.

  4. Function Logic:

    • The on_connect function subscribes to a specific MQTT topic using the client.subscribe() method.

    • The topic to which the client subscribes is specified by the SUB_TOPIC variable.

    • The client.subscribe() method establishes a subscription to the topic, allowing the client to receive messages published under that topic.

    • In the provided code, the on_message function simply prints the payload of the received message using message.payload.decode(). The decode() method is used to convert the payload from bytes to a string before printing.

    • You can customize the logic inside the on_message function to process the received message according to your application requirements.

    • In the provided code, the on_publish function simply prints a confirmation message indicating that the data has been published.

  5. mqtt_client = mqtt.Client("send_data123", clean_session=True):

    • The client ID "send_data123" is passed as an argument, which provides a unique identifier for the client.
  6. mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect:

    • This line assigns the on_connect callback function to the MQTT client's on_connect attribute.
  7. mqtt_client.on_message = on_message:

    • This line assigns the on_message callback function to the MQTT client's on_message attribute.
  8. mqtt_client.connect(host='tenxertech.local', port=1883):

    • The host parameter specifies the hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker (in this case, 'send.local').

    • The port parameter specifies the port number on which the MQTT broker is listening (default MQTT port is 1883).

  9. mqtt_client.loop_start():

    • The loop is responsible for maintaining the MQTT connection, handling callbacks, and processing incoming and outgoing messages.
  10. while True::

    • This creates an infinite loop, which continues until a the break statement is encountered.
  11. cmd = int(input("\n1) Turn ON Light\n2)Turn OFF Light\n3)Exit\nEnter your option :")):

    • The input() function captures the user's input as a string, and int() is used to convert it to an integer.
  12. if cmd == 1::

    • If the user enters 1, indicating the option to turn on the light, the following block of code executes:

      • mqtt_client.publish(PUB_TOPIC, "light_on"): This publishes the message "light_on" to the PUB_TOPIC topic using the MQTT client's publish()method. The message is sent to the MQTT broker.
  13. elif cmd == 2::

    • If the user enters 2, indicating the option to turn off the light, the following block of code executes:

      • mqtt_client.publish(PUB_TOPIC, "light_off"): This publishes the message "light_off" to the PUB_TOPIC topic using the MQTT client's publish() method.
  14. mqtt_client.loop_stop():

    • This line stops the MQTT client loop, ending the client's connection and cleaning up system resources.

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import queue

COMMANDS = queue.Queue()

PUB_TOPIC = "/api/blaze"
SUB_TOPIC = "/api/minipc"

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    print("[ info ] connected")

def on_message(client, userdata, message):
    global COMMANDS
    cmd = message.payload.decode()
    print("[ message ] ", cmd)

def on_publish(client, userdata, result):  # create function for callback
    print("[ publish ] Data is Published")

def main():
    # def on_log(client,userdata, flags, rc):
    mqtt_client = mqtt.Client("received_data123", clean_session=True)
    # mqtt_client.on_log = on_log
    mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect
    mqtt_client.on_message = on_message
    mqtt_client.connect(host='send.local', port=1883)
    while True:
        if COMMANDS.qsize():
            cmd = COMMANDS.get()
            print("CMD :", cmd)
            if cmd == "light_on":
                print("light is on")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explain the

  1. COMMANDS = queue.Queue():

    • The Queue class is a built-in class provided by the queue module.

    • This provides methods for adding elements to the queue (put()), removing elements from the queue (get()), checking if the queue is empty (empty()), and more.

    • The COMMANDS object can be used to search commands or data into the queue and process them later.

  2. global COMMANDS:

    • The global keyword is used to indicate that the COMMANDS variable is a global variable.
  3. cmd = message.payload.decode():

    • This line decodes the payload of the received MQTT message using the decode() method. Then put those in the cmd variable.
  4. COMMANDS.put(cmd):

    • This line pushes the received command (cmd) into the COMMANDS queue using the put() method.
  5. mqtt_client.subscribe(SUB_TOPIC):

    • the MQTT client subscribes to the specified topic (SUB_TOPIC) on the MQTT broker. This enables the client to receive messages published on that particular topic.
  6. if COMMANDS.qsize()::

    • The qsize() method is used to check if the COMMANDS queue has any commands in it.
  7. cmd = COMMANDS.get():

    • The get() method is used to dequeue a command from the COMMANDS queue.


  • The sending data image: In here I giving the inputs.

  • The receiving data image: By giving inputs, it gives outputs.

Both client name should be different.